Mediterranean Climate Plants for Bay Area Use



here are many choices of plants to use for landscaping that originate from the five regions of the world  possessing a Mediterranean-type climate.

Description of "Mediterranean climate" and the logic of plant selection:

"Mediterranean climates, world-wide, are characterized by cool, wet winters and summer drought. Temperatures may vary considerably, some areas have hard frosts in winters, others barely any frost at all; in some, summers are unbearably hot and dry, others mild and foggy. Plants native to these areas are genetically programmed to withstand these specific conditions. One common form of adaptation is a summer dormancy period as that is the most difficult season to survive (as opposed to a freezing winter). This range of conditions in otherwise similar climates creates a variety of plant adaptations which are particularly useful to gardeners, especially in areas of numerous microclimates.

The major Mediterranean climates of the world are, of course, the area surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, the South African Cape, Southern and Western Australia, Central Chile, and much of California. There are other areas 'allied' with these climates as well. Gardeners in these areas enjoy a diversity of native plants (the South African Cape endemic flora is the most diverse in the world), as well as the beautiful and interesting plants of other similar climates which sometimes become naturalized ("Eucalyptus is not native to California"). There is so much to be learned about appropriate horticulture  in these regions. In working with the natural forces that shape our unique regions, we can create great beauty as well as minimal maintenance through climate-appropriate plantings."

Quote is from: The Mediterranean Garden Society

Map showing Mediterranean zones:

Photography from M.G.S."News & Views":

Ancient olive grove on a Greek island

Garden, Mt. Pendeli, Greece











The five geographic areas with links to plant information and photos:

Southern & Western Australia


South African Cape


Central Chile




Mediterranean Region


Bay Area & Central California